Friday, January 7, 2011

Hippy, hippy shake

Here we go, new year, new symptoms. Not good I fear. For the last few days I have been tossing and turning in bed and staggering about during the day. No this is not due to the one night break at Ynyshyr Hall in Wales we enjoyed on Wednesday/Thursday. We couldn't afford the full two day jobby but enjoyed our one day of hedonistic heaven in one of the most beautiful spots on earth, imbibed the complementary sherry and the de rigeur aperitif, various wines with the Michelin starred utterly delicious dinner etc. But no my staggering is not due to the booze or my tossing and turning to the four poster, sinkingly soft bed. I have horrible aching pains across my pelvis and hips and down into my thighs and my legs have gone all shaky and sort of numb. Not good signs, in fact classic signs of spinal compression and impending no useful legs or rude, toilet bits doom.

I am due a scan on Monday which will look at me very closely and I have told my doctor what is happening so I suspect next week may see, not a visit to the new twins as planned but another week or so of visits to my best friend the radiation machine. That and the dreaded sea squid; thank goodness I got the pressed fois gras with beetroot mousse in, in Wales, before the cancer menu recommences. It was perhaps the best starter I have ever tasted, and I have had a few in my time. It's the endings I find I am not so good at.


  1. Anything I could write right now would be utterly inadequate. I just want you to know that I'm reading, Jean.

  2. If we were religious, the endings would be dessert. There's the rub, I guess. Crummy stuff indeed ahead of you, but I hope they will be able to blast that nasty spinal tumor into oblivion and you will get to see the twins again before February. We are willing it to be so (that's in lieu of praying), as I'm sure you have, too. Whatever you've been doing has worked up to now!
