Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's all a mess

I feel I have a lot in common with the UK body politic today. It and the body Jean Trainor are both in an almighty mess and facing an uncertain future. Inside me cancer cells are trying to duplicate themselves at ridiculously exuberant speeds while chemo drugs try to halt them and at the same time knock for six at all my healthy cells, meanwhile leio keeps popping up and getting a grip leaving looming lumps and bumps all over the shop.

In the country we don't know who is going to be in government, what poison is being hatched up behind closed doors and who of the nasty little gremlins will be in charge in the end. And we must do it all quickly, not take a good respectable month or so as the Germans etc do because we are at the beck and call of the markets it would seem; ah yes the markets and political expediency- the cancer cells in the body politic!

Quick update: Back at home and knackered by night up watching nothing happen in the election; feeling as OK as poss and hoping to escape to France on Tuesday


  1. Better to have got your sleep on election night in order to keep your energy levels up, as much as poss, to quote your delightful turn of word!

    Yes, it beats me what is happening to your government; just listening to an American voice on video in a local newspaper this morning commentating on UK politics for Australian readers!

  2. Hope you can go to France tomorrow and will have a wonderful time there!

  3. Hi there Jean

    This is very much off-topic because today's political developments are something I'm looking at through the cracks in my fingers - a bit at a time to acclimatise to the news.

    I don't know if you would remember me. I used to work with you at NAHAT as was. I wrote the guide to preventing infant abduction from maternity units - and since then no babies have been snatched - so I sometimes joke that I've written the only set of government guidance in history that has actually worked *touch wood* don't want to break a perfect record now!

    I was just randomly browsing the internet this evening and thought of your name and discovered this blog. Hopefully it goes without saying that this is the first that I heard of your health news, or I would have tried to be in touch or to have posted much sooner.

    I just want to wish you the best at this time. As anyone who knows you knows you're a really special person and someone who can't really be done without - so please do your best to hang in there as long as possible. You were an amazing person to work with at NAHAT and created a respectful, harmonious and fun atmosphere around you. You were and are still (I'm sure) a total inspiration to anyone who meets you.

    Sorry not to be able to drop you an email (no 'contact' button). Take care and all the best.

    I see you are off to France - I hope the farting volcano doesn't affect your trip.

    Bon voyage.


  4. Maria, Lovely to hear from you; hope you pick this up and if so my email is

    It is funny I was thinking about the baby stealing guidance the other day and that there had been no baby snatchings since - you are right - we succeeded! probably tempting fate to say that but anyway it wont be me going on the telly to talk about it thank God. Hope your family are all well; I remember a baby with loads of hair who is probably a teenager now!

    Love Jean
