Thursday, December 31, 2009

Back and blogging

Happy New Year everyone. Its going to be quite a breathtaking one for me that is for sure. I arrived back in Birmingham to a house full of children on 29th. The journey by car through Germany, France and England was pretty debilitating but not for me, I slept most of the way, poor Sam nursing a terrible cold had to do the lion's share of the driving. We had had a wonderful Christmas in fact, a veritable feast of fois gras and confit de canard, Boxing Day visits to Dresden to eat cake and watch the world go by, traditional bubble and squeak and lots of falling asleep in front of old Woody Allen films. But today we are doing it all again, 17 people coming to have delayed Turkey with a duck and pheasant stuffed up its bum. So I cannot spend much time blogging about lung operations. I will add a detailed report tomorrow when things calm down but leave you with a Limerick we came up with in between Woody Allen films and replete with Sam and Julie's first attempt at Christmas pud:

A krankenhaus quite close to Dresden
Is the one place to get lots of mets done
The staff are all charming
But the price is alarming
So come on lets get it into Royal Marsden

Sorry things can only get better, keep reading

1 comment:

  1. A scalpel-for-hire called Rolle
    Was Jean's favourite medical scholar.
    He said he'd amaze her
    With his big laser
    But 'extras' would cost her top dollar.

    Sorry, limericks can't help forcing the tongue a bit further into the cheek.

